UniLodge Mobile App

Melanie Candasamy
3 min readMar 30, 2021

Beginning | Project Overview

UniLodge is an institution that offers students across Australia and New Zealand affordable apartments. The aim of this project is to create a new feature on their mobile app named “Roommates”. The UniLodge staff have cumulated reports of struggles from students to find the right roommates. Therefore my goal was to create a feature that would help students find compatible roommates as well as find the right accommodation on the UniLodge campus.


Week 1 Activities

First step into starting the mobile app was to understand how the user will find the app and what are my goals as the designer. The main goal is create a new “Roommates” feature to help avoid disputes and incompatible roommates. Then I had to create sketches of the app screens to get an idea of what direction to take before developing the app digitally.

Week 2 Activities

During week 2, I got into the User Test flow map in what order the user would use the app so that I would be able to design an adequate storyboard.

Week 3 | Prototyping

Done with Adobe XD

Then came the most important step; prototyping. To design the app I used Adobe XD to first design each screens of the app and then link each one of them to render the app interactive.

User Testing

Finally came the last step before finalising the prototype; user testing. After I finished my prototype on Adobe XD, I created a link to the app preview and forwarded it to two users and then prepared questions for them after their experience on the app. This exercise helped me find flaws in my app before finalising it.

User Testing Summary Report

As mentioned above, I had two users test my application and they both gave me useful insights to improve the app. They both remained objective and with their feedback I was able to fix a lot of issues. They both found the app relatively easy to navigate and use but one issue that they both pointed out was the the texts on the app were too small to read and it made it boring and hard to understand the texts. As a result I made the texts bigger to help with that.

