Goodlife Health Clubs

Melanie Candasamy
4 min readMay 7, 2021

7-step processs

Brief C

The 7- step process helped me choose a brief for this assignment and I chose brief C; Goodlife Health Clubs. This process purpose was to help us better understand the client’s brief and goals. To do so, we had to answer the questions; why? who? when and where? what? and how? Then come up with a solution. I decided to design a mobile app for the purpose of this assignment.

Concept 1 | Context Variation (Ideations)

Context Variation ideations

Concept 1 | Context Variation (Low Fidelity)

Context variation (Low fidelity)

For this first concept I had to concentrate on designing an app specifically for rural Australians who suffer from obesity and/or depression. The goal here is to provide group-focused exercises on the app so that they feel included and motivated when using the app. Therefore the two main feature to achieve that goal is by joining live group workout sessions and discussing with a trainer via a messenger specifically for trainers and users but they can also be used as group chats for fellow users that want to motivate each other on the app.

Concept 1 | Context Variation (High Fidelity)

Context Variation (High Fidelity)

To execute the context variation concept, I had to also respect the visual aesthetics of the existing company therefore used mainly dark grey and white as colour palette. I also used imageries from their existing website .

Concept 2| Aesthetic Variation (Ideation)

Aesthetics Variation (Ideation )

Concept 2| Aesthetic Variation (Low Fidelity)

Aesthetic Variation (low fidelity)

For this second concept, I had to focus on the aesthetics of the mobile app to make the user’s experience more pleasant and visually pleasing using Photon’s design language. For this concept we were also allowed to modify the design language of Goodlife to match Photon’s design language. Therefore I took that into consideration while producing the low fidelity wireframes. And thought I would add an illustrative as well to make the app more interesting.

Concept 2| Aesthetic Variation (High Fidelity)

Aesthetic Variation (High Fidelity)

Based on Photon’s design language, I used teal blue as main colour palette as this colour is quite attractive and visually pleasing. It immediately attracts attention and works well with this concept. As font I used one of the most commonly used font which is Segoe font family. It is usually used on Windows devices but I found that it worked well on an IOS mobile interface as well. It is clean, simple and readable. I also redesigned the workout icon using Photon’s principles and the other icons I used the ones available online on the Firefox website. I also added a small illustration of a woman doing workouts. Her role is to notify the user about important reminders.

Concept 3| Accessibility Variation (Ideation)

Accessibility (Ideation)

Concept 3| Accessibility Variation (Low Fidelity)

Accessibility Variation (Low Fidelity)

Accessibility is one of the most important aspect to take into consideration while designing a mobile app. For this concept I had to put in place a design that would be suitable for visually impaired users using design principles. On these low fidelity screens compared to the other concepts I made the texts and buttons bigger as well as underlining clickable buttons to make it obvious to the user that they need to click on the buttons.

Concept 3| Accessibility Variation (High Fidelity)

Accessibility Variation (High Fidelity)

To help make the design more accessible for visually impaired users I also made use of very limited colour palette consisting of a golden yellow background and black texts as well as white texts on black buttons. These highly contrasting colours make it easier to distinguish and differentiate form other design elements. For back buttons I made sure to write an instruction “go back” to help the user know what the icon means.

